Saturday, November 1, 2014


Hello, welcome to my blog. Quite simply put, this blog is for Sports Talk. My goal is to pursue all fan angles of recent or even historical events in sports. I aim for sports fans such as myself to express their passion for the sports they love. Football, Baseball, Soccer (Futbol), Hockey, or even MMA. I have grown up my entire life loving sports and physical activities. I miss playing football having played for 10 years of organized football until I graduated high school. Now my pursuit of a Sports Marketing and Media degree allows me to pursuit a career in something I am truly passionate about. So I hope this blog will allow others to express their sport passions with other passionate fans.

Blogs are so important for users to be able to read any sort of review on a product or service. People offer first hand accounts on anything they do from eating pizza to sky diving. Maybe even eating pizza while sky diving. So for the sports fan, it allows fans to connect to one another in a way that maybe they can't at work or school. I am a 49ers fan on the east coast, which makes it difficult enough to watch their games. I always look for a way to find similar fans to express our passion. Blogs are a way to do that. Fans can connect with fans nearby that they never knew about or fans across the country. It builds relationships amongst fans that enables the possibility for social gatherings and joint tailgating.

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